SuicideByStar is a webzine created in 2007 by a group of friends with the aim of promoting underground music. We talk about any kind of music we think could be interesting including metal, punk, electronic, rock and almost any kind of experimental music. Over the years we have created a forum that gathers a small, but strong, community which loves to talk about music and stupid things. Also, in 2015 we started an almost-monthly podcast where we speak about the latest releases of underground music and other related topics. Also we are a non-profit association and we have published a printed fanzine.
I am a founder member of SuicideByStar, and since 2007 I develop, design and manage the web (built with Wordpress and PHPBB3). Of course, I also write reviews and articles. The current template has been develop totally by me (except the logo) almost from scratch using Roots (a previous version of Sage), Bootstrap 3, Grunt and LESS.
You can check the web in http://suicidebystar.com.
Developed with:
- Wordpress
- jQuery